Iowa Space Design Competition
Saturday 31 May - Sunday 1 June, 2025
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA
Register Now!
If you are an individual participant, click here to register.
NOTE - if your teacher or school is registering you as part of a team, you cannot complete this form until you have the coupon code for your team registration. Contact your teacher for this code first!
If you are a registering a team or group of students, use this link:
If you are a mentor looking to support our event, please register here:

About This Event
Cost To Participate
There are two pricing options available, based on accommodation requirements.
Standard event cost is $175 per participant, this includes:
All meals
Accommodation Saturday night on campus at the University of Iowa
Limted edition event-specific t-shirt
Access to all facilities
All required equipment and materials
For students travelling from a distance, the option for two nights accommodation exists (Friday and Saturday nights). Cost for the extra Friday night, and one additional meal, is $50, for a participation total of $225.