South Dakota Space Design Competition
Saturday March 8 - Sunday March 9, 2025
College of Engineering, 8th Street, Brookings, SD, USA
Register Now!
If you are an individual participant, click here to register.
NOTE - if your teacher or school is registering you as part of a team, you cannot complete this form until you have the coupon code for your team registration. Contact your teacher for this code first!
If you are a registering a team or group of students, use this link:
If you are a mentor looking to support our event, please register here:

About This Event
Work with high school students from across the Midwest to develop a request for proposal for a settlement in space. Network with industry professionals and engineering graduate students and learn how companies work in today’s industries. Be sure to take time to learn more about South Dakota State’s Mars Rover prototype! 2025 scenarios will focus on initial settlements and beginning economic activity near and on Mars!
Cost To Participate
$175 USD.
This pricing includes:
All meals
Limted edition event-specific t-shirt
Access to all facilities
All required equipment and materials